I was asked by Dr. Giri to org

anize a program celebrating both International Elderly Day and Gandhi’s birthday on 2nd Oct. I asked the pastor of the Methodist Church in Mathura to pray about speaking, but he sent a local pastor to meet me. His name is Dinesh Lal. He pastors some home churches here in Vrindavan. He speaks some English also. He spoke at the program and was well received. He has a sweet spirit and a broken heart for the hurting. He has begun coming once a week to lead a Bible study. The first class began with a short meeting that was a follow up from the program so there were about 25 women there. A few left when brother Dinesh began, but we had 18 stay for the whole thing. He taught from John 4 on the woman at the well. The next week we had 8 attend the bible study. I had asked him to talk about the character of our Lord. He taught on the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22. He also translated so I could share my personal testimony. That was the highlight of my stay here!

Brother Dinesh’s relative is the administrator of a Methodist Health Center that is about 40 klm from here. They conduct free medical camps in Vrindavan every Monday morning. Geeta, the manager, and I are going to visit the center on next Thursday morning, and get camps scheduled for the widows here at Ma Dham. God is Good.
I’m so looking forward to being with you all again. I arrive home 10th Nov.
Love, Cynthia